What is the difference between viruses and bacteria?

Worin unterscheiden sich Viren und Bakterien?

They are so small that only a microscope makes them visible. That is why they are called microorganisms. Bacteria and viruses can be found everywhere. Both multiply at breakneck speed and can trigger diseases. Otherwise, however, they do not have much in common.

They are so small that only a microscope makes them visible. That is why they are called microorganisms. Bacteria and viruses can be found everywhere. Both multiply at breakneck speed and can trigger diseases. Otherwise, however, they do not have much in common.

What are bacteria?

Bacteria are living organisms that consist of only one cell. This cell contains everything that is necessary for life, i.e. genetic material and cellular machinery. This enables them to produce proteins and supply themselves with energy.

What are viruses?

Viruses are infectious particles and not cells. They are not independent living beings that can reproduce themselves. Viruses depend on a host cell and are not able to spread or even survive without it.

Differences between viruses and bacteria

The size

Bacteria and viruses are most easily distinguished by their size. Bacteria are much larger than viruses.

The blueprint

Viruses have a simpler structure than bacteria. Bacteria have a real cell wall and an internal structure. Viruses, on the other hand, usually consist only of their genetic material, which is enclosed in a shell of proteins, the capsid. Some viruses also have a viral envelope consisting of a lipid bilayer.

The multiplication

Bacterial cells, like human cells, usually reproduce by cell division. Before a bacterial cell can divide, it copies its genetic material. Then the bacterium cuts itself in half. One mother cell becomes two daughter cells, which in turn can divide themselves

Viruses cannot reproduce on their own. Since they have no cytoplasm and no ribosomes, they can neither copy their own genetic material nor produce their own envelope. Viruses therefore infect foreign cells, the so-called host cells, into which they introduce their own genetic information.

Bacteria are counted as living organisms, viruses are not.

The way of life and thus the metabolism of bacteria is also very different. There are bacteria that need oxygen for their metabolism and those for which oxygen is poison. Some bacteria need light to exist, others need certain chemicals, such as sulphur.

Viruses do not have their own metabolism. Therefore, in contrast to bacteria, they are not counted as living organisms, but at best as borderline forms.

How you can protect yourself

Use of antiviral and antibacterial ElephantSkin gloves!

Objects provide optimal breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses and are a real source of danger. ElephantSkin gloves are treated with antiviral and antibacterial technology that effectively reduces the transmission of viruses (e.g. coronaviruses) and bacteria.

Good hand hygiene

Regular washing and disinfecting of hands defuses the transmission path of pathogens. Most pathogens first land on the hands before they enter the body through the mucous membranes.  You can find tips on how to wash your hands properly in our blog article „ Washing your hands to prevent illness“.

Regular ventilation

Regular air exchange (intermittent ventilation) reduces the concentration of viruses and bacteria. But be careful: Depending on the location and weather conditions, airing often brings new pollutants, allergens and particles into indoor spaces and may even worsen the indoor air.


Source: (https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/krankheiten-symptome/infektionskrankheiten/der-unterschied-zwischen-bakterien-und-viren-713415.html; https://www.ideal.de/de/viren-und-bakterien; 10.02.2021)